Pro rail Alliance has been a full partner in the EU project LivingRAIL which is financed from the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
About LivingRAIL project:
- The project brings together a total of 8 partners from 6 European countries (Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Austria and Croatia). The project will develop scenarios about the lifestyles, culture, mobility and economic activity in Europe in year 2050. and explore a vision of the future role of eco-friendly, electric railways in those scenarios
- The project started in December 2012. and will last for a total of 30 months.
LivingRAIL will elaborate possible and normative scenarios exploring possible evolutionary solutions that will lead to the reduction of harm to the environment produced by traffic, and explore how both can raise or at least maintain the current quality of life. Scenarios will be full of details about trends in society, politics, economy, spatial planning, urban development, technology and modes of action and work in the transport sector in order to obtain a clear vision in correlation between mentioned sectors. With the help of these detailed findings, the project will deliver the vision of “Rail 2050” in the context of spatial and transport development, and will deliver a detailed map (scheme) to implement the findings.
The project will help with the analytical work based on examples of good practices of today, to explore how rail and other modes of public transport can contribute to quality vision of Europe in the year 2050.
The project will conduct a series of interviews and workshops with experts from all related sectors. There will be an intensive dialogue between politicians, the railway sector, urban planning and civil society.
The target groups of the project are: decision-makers in politics, railroad, rail carriers, supporting railway industry, bodies of spatial planning, traffic management, passenger associations and organizations, and representatives of universities and institutes.
More about the project: